I already have 2 nieces and 3 nephew!!!....Opps..wait the minutes...I already mention 3 little friends at the title....??...OK, never mine....that the truth...I only have 3 little friends....its takes a lot of time if I tells you where is the 2 little friends....I tell you next times....Now,I want to focus on "2 nicest and 1 nephew"......I tells you, one by one OK....Lets me introduces 2 nicest first....
my first nicest is Cynthia Lyna...she is the first NICEST in my family....and she is my second elders brother daughter...she was born in 2007*I was upper six, when she was born*......there is a incident happen when she was born...the doctor sent her and my sister in law into ICU...because of her blood infected with bacteria*that what the doctor told us* but I'm not sure...*I'm not taking medical study*....*Continue*....she in hospital for one week after her birth....I was there when my brother take her home....I really excited when I saw her...most of my friend said...she just look like me....*once again..I'm not sure..but I think YES..*.....I love her very much....she is so cute and I really like her because she is not naughty girls...she funny....and she make me laughing every time I played with her....I like to buy a T-SHIRT for her every time I'll back for the holiday....but I really sad,because after 3 year she was born...I always missed her birthday party....*I'm where I now....
Now, she almost 3 year old..and she know how to talk...last week I'll called home..and she was there with my dad*her grandpa...and she start talking with me...I'll was shocked for the first time I heard her voiced....and I really happy...when I heard she called me "Auntie*...she is very soft spoken!!!.....that make me happy,although I missed a lot of my time with her....
OK....now.. I want to introduces my second nicest!!!....she is Daisy...and she is Cynthia Lyna sister....she was born 16 September 2009....I don't have a lot of information about Daisy, because she just 7 month almost 8...when I posting this story....she just look like my brother..really different with her sister Cynthia Lyna...and for me, what is really special about Daisy is..she looks like Japanese baby girl....and her name really significant with her..*Daisy*..a flower....
The last one is my nephew....He was born on 16 November 2009....and he is my fourth brother son....I really close with his father and I give his name Damien Elnathan.....he is special with his name because "Elnathan" is a biblical name and from a Hebrew words mean "God is given"..and Now he just 5 month...he really close with my mom*his grandma....because my mom taking care of him, while his mother are working...
Every time I called home, and I asking about him..my mom always said "dien is sleeping"....now he got a nickname "dien"....and my dad called him "In-dien"....but I called him "mien"...very funny*my dad always said "its very hard to mention his name"....He liked a sound around him...and my dad told me..He like to eat everything...including spicy fried egg..
Hm~anyway....I really miss 3 of them....now I called Cynthia "kakak" because she is the eldest one...
and I always pray that 3 of them will grow up with love and attention from their parents and...God will guiding them....and they will know Jesus Christ is a Savior and accept Him as a God and Savior *personally....in their life..Amen...
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