What are the thing that you can Grabs easily....but you're careless about it..??...
I just think about "Grabs the chances" after finish my exam on friday...you know I can do my best for that exam if I try to study hard on it..of course I go through all the lecture note..but I did not really focus on the topic that my lecturer already tell my class before the exam...
But thanks God, I can do it,but I not really sure to get A for that course...
Hm~this what I means about "Grabs the chances"....I have a chance to get A for that course because my lecturer already Mention that topic will be come out for the exam~Just because I'm not really focus on it..then I might lose the A grad...
I'm not going to says I disappointed about it..but its became Lesson to LEARN for the next time~DON'T TAKE FOR GRANTED WHAT YOUR LECTURER ALREADY TOLD TO YOU...
NOW, I want to take long breathing and says...."I try my best for the next time~
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